Four A Levels and one GCSE subject are to be axed by Ofqual from next September. The qualifications body announced today to withdraw AS and A Levels in...
At today’s Education Question Time the education ministerial line-up took questions on several topics, including the benefit of private schools, teacher recruitment and what to do about early...
One of Birmingham’s ‘Trojan Horse’ schools is set to join the Ark multi-academy trust next September. Trustees at Oldknow Academy, who took control of the school in August...
Changes to the AS and A levels in mathematics and further mathematics are to be put back for a year. In a letter to Ofqual’s chief regulator Glenys...

A North London academies trust has suspended three senior managers and launched an investigation into “gross misconduct”. In a move which Cuckoo Hall Academies Trust (CHAT) chair Andry...
A slew of financial notices to improve for academy trusts have been published this afternoon by the Education Funding Agency (EFA), in the sector’s own ‘Black Friday’. Four...
Snap inspections in the past two months have shed light on Ofsted’s approach to inspecting “British values”. In a wave of 35 no-notice inspections in September and October,...
Concerns have been raised about efforts to train sufficient numbers of teachers after figures were released showing that the number of new trainees has dropped for a third...
The shadow education secretary announced that a Labour government would make the sector’s business tax relief dependent on their working with state schools as part of a “schools...